Edinburgh/28 August 2008

From 2008.igem.org

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Week 11

Thursday 28 August 08

  • 18 subs made from plate 126 (pSB1A2+cenA) to plate 164. (AH)
  • Sequencing results received for M160 indicating that it is pSB1A2+dxs+lims (appY has not been added). On gel 62 and 65 M160 produced bands migrating more slowly than expected for pSB1A2+dxs+lims+appY, and M161 and M162 migrated more slowly still. Bearing in mind that M160 came out as being just pSB1A2+dxs+lims it might be worth sequencing M161 or M162. (AH)
  • Competent cells transformed with pSB1A2-bglX (beta glucosidase, from P90) and plated onto Plates 165 (100µl) and 166 (900 µl). (AM)
  • Ligation of SU1 (from P88) and ISO2 (from P89) into Babel1 and SOB2. (AM)
  • Ligation of appY into crtBI, L57. (YAN)