Team:NTU-Singapore/Notebook/30 June 2008


Monday 30 June:

Chin Chong

  • Stock check of items purchased so far and shifted them into new lab with Darius's help
  • Received quotation for LsrA-RBS and Lysis sequencing from Science Werke, confirmed the purchase and sequence should arrive in 2-4 weeks
  • Purchased items from SBS general store
  • Did inoculation of colonies from Top cells containing:
  1. LacI-GFP BBa_I763004,
  2. Standard promoter with GFP reporter BBa_I20260
  3. GFP reporter devices with Weak BBa_J23150,
  4. Medium BBa_J23151 and
  5. Strong BBa_J23102 promoters
  • Incubate cells in 5ml of LB broth containing the respective anitbiotics and allow them to grow overnight
    • This is the slight modification from the standard protocol suggested in the Newsletter Vol.1 which used supplemented M9 medium instead of LB broth
    • M9 medium with glycerol will be introduced in the following day after the cells have been allowed to grow overnight in LB

Choon Kit, Zhen Fu,Hung:

  • Nanodrop to measure concentrations and purities of pFe,pLacI,GFP,RBS32,RBS34,pT7,Terminator. The data show a ratio of A260/A280 varying around 1.85 to 1.95, which mean the purities are quite good.