Team:The University of Alberta/7 June 2008


Today's Volunteers

AL 1:30 - ?

What We Accomplished

Anthony transformed ligations of Blue Ox + I0500, Purple + J16003, Trip + J16003
Experimenting with Purple + J16003: Leaving wrapped in tinfoil in the dark over 2 nights at room temperature to see if something grows! If this works, people won't have to come in on Sundays to take out transformations! Hooray!
Chris stopped in to change the buffers on his Coomassie

Tidbits Of The Day

1) Empty your ice buckets at the end of the day! If you don't, well... ice melts, and whatever you had stored on ice won't be so cold once it's all melted!
2) When emptying your ice bucket at the end of the day make sure to sift through the ice! A few tubes were found in the sink (while the tap was left running ). One was unlabelled, and one clearly had something in it.
All of these "mystery" mixes can now be found in the "Random Stuff" box in our -20 freezer