Team:University of Ottawa/19 June 2008


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Today in the lab

Dan and Matt

Digested 597/8 plasmid
  • The plasmids were digested with NdeI in order to linearize the DNA for integration into the His cassette in yeast.
  • This was suggested by Dr. Kaern, and Cory does not have any experience with this technique so we will be trying it for the first time
  • Digestion of S1 and D12 plasmids
  • The S1 and D12 plasmids were digested with NcoI and EcoRI however the results were not as expected.
  • Since the beginning we have been having problems with our transformation of these plasmids, and the control had some contamination on it. We will therefore perform transformation again.
  • Integration of 597/8 plasmids
  • The BY4741 which was an old strain and was supposed to grow slower actually grew way faster than expected in liquid media. Therefore we almost doubled our target OD. Mila suggested that we should do transformation tomorrow. This time we will measure the OD after 3 hours instead of after 4 hours.
  • It actually turns out that we should be using the BY4742(MAT alpha) instead of BY4741(MAT a). This will prevent any reproduction between this strain and the YPH500 which would be a disaster for the oscillatory dynamics.