Team:BCCS-Bristol/Calendar-Main/28 May 2008


Revision as of 11:13, 5 June 2008 by Tgorochowski (Talk | contribs)

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Meeting: Weekly Status Meeting

Time: 4:00pm - 5:30pm

Location: BCCS Office


  • Team Roster
  • Deadlines and Team workplan
  • Funding and Travel arrangements for UG and PG
  • Discussion of possible projects
  • Website, Mailing List
  • Schedule of next IGEM meetings
  • AOB


  • Mario di Bernardo (Skype)
  • Athanasios Polynikis
  • Thomas Gorochowski
  • Nick Fyson
  • Ghizzi Dunlop
  • Oli Purcell
  • Sophie Adie


  1. It is important that everyone is aware of the deadlines and key dates for iGEM. Upcoming dates include 15th July where team must be finalised and 1st August when project description must be submitted. All dates are available on the iGEM website and will be added to the wiki calendar.
  2. Advisors for the team are being chosen and would be useful to use them to help with the project selection. May be useful to have presentations of final list on the 25th June to get there input.
  3. Students need to start reading about the areas they are less familiar with and gain an understanding of synthetic biology. The postgrads and instructors will try to get together a list of papers and books that may be helpful. Also, will try to setup tutorial type groups so that any questions can be answered more easily face to face. Discussion topic will be setup in Google group for any general questions.
  4. Wiki needs to be updated to include information on agendas for upcoming meetings and actions for previous ones. Additionally, everyone needs to start getting involved in adding content starting with personal information and a photo (see Nick F) on the team page. A section for holidays will also be added to make sure someone is around at all times.
  5. 5 projects have been selected for further research in smaller teams. These groups will need to investigate whether anything similar has been done before, come up with possible mechanisms and put together a couple of slides to use as discussion with the whole team. This will need to take place in two weeks due to exams next week.
  6. Funding for Eng Maths students has been sorted (see Mario for details), for Biology students see Claire for further details.


  • (Everyone) Register on the Google group for discussions about projects.
  • (Everyone) Update personal details on the wiki.
  • (Everyone) Looks through the ideas document produced and think about new ones.
  • (Everyone) Become familiar with the bio-brick library ([ Here]).
  • (Project Groups) Create a few slides on the information found out about the allocated project (for next meeting).
  • (Postgrads, Instructors) Setup up tutorials for project discussions.
  • (Postgrads, Instructors) Send through background biology and maths papers for students.
  • (Nick F) Upload photos of people on the wiki.
  • (Tom G) Setup standard meetings on calendar with actions that have been agreed.