Alberta NINT/16 June 2008


Revision as of 17:27, 17 June 2008 by Sdeane (Talk | contribs)
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lab work (SD):

            Isolated DNA (I732018) from 15/06/08 LB + amp culture tubes using QIAprep spin miniprep protocol,
            washing with Buffer PB to eliminate any potential high nuclease activity and prevent loss of DNA.
            Set up I732018 for sequencing.
            Digested I732018 with XbaI + PstI.
            Ran on 2% agarose gel (110V 50 minutes) and excised the 250 bp fragments from I732018.1, .2 and .4
            Extracted DNA from gel usig QIAquick gel extraction protocol. 
            Combined .1 and .4 to give higher concentration of DNA.
            Ligated K102000 with I732018.1 and with I732018.2 (Negative control K102000).