

Our other parts

TetR-based Inducible System

The TetR system we hoped to develop would have been similar to the lacI system. The pTet promoter which controls mtrB expression is regulated by the repressor TetR (BBa_C0040). Expression of mtrB would have occurred when the system is induced with anhydrotetracycline which binds TetR. Unfortunately, as mtrB is toxic, we could not clone successful clone this system.

However, we did submit parts BBa_K098980 and BBa_K098981 in case you might find them useful.

Light-induced System

We tried to create a light-induced mtrB expression system using the light sensor in the registry. This requires an EnvZ deficient strain of S. oneidensis which we could not successfully generate. Additionally, the registry versions of some of the parts appear wrong (in sequence) or nonfunctional. We thus provide the following two parts for future teams' use: