052608 notes Nora's presentation (secretion systems): . 1 vs 2-step . Dependency on size of protein/folding ability . Type I o Subsets for exporting large/small proteins . Do we need different secretion pathways for small/large (Mgfp vs. tyrosinase) . Links to reviews will be posted online . Type II - two-step = sucky . Type III - Usually involved in virulence factor secretion (would have to be inserted in E. coli exogenously) . Flagellar secretion systems? . Type IV - Virulence factor-associated; not well characterized - unclear 1 vs. 2 steps. . Type V - self-secreting proteins; not regulated by any cellular mechanism o Is there a sequence that you can put on a protein to make it secrete itself? . Registry of parts o Salmonella type III secretion pathway under development (Voigt lab) - very touchy with regard to protein stability ("Voigt secretion pathway") Big question: What system should we use? . E. coli Laura's presentation (mechanism of tyrosinase/mussel glue) . Tyrosine residues are oxidized to dopa and then further oxidized to a quinone (either by tyrosinase or spontaneously by O2 at basic pH) . The quinone can react with the amine groups of lysines, thereby crosslinking the Mgfp proteins . Nora thinks that she's read that metal ions in salt water catalyze oxidation o Could heavy-metal contaminants catalyze this? Would this be practically useful? . Metals in rocks can get coordinated by hydroxyl groups on dopa; this allows the glue to stick to rocks underwater Damon (mechanism of tyrosinase/mussel glue) . Trouble with expressing Mgfp due to difficulty in cloning repeat sequence . Mcfp-6 acts as a crosslinker; forms thiol adduct with dopa residues; increases stickiness, but not absolutely essential . Current product: Cell-Tak; they purify it from gazillions of mussels Adhesion proteins . 6 different proteins in californicus . Mefp-5 has the highest dopa content - probably so sticky that it can't even be purified. How do we want to characterize the protein that is produced - do we want to purify it or just characterize the really sticky bacteria? Laura's idea: build in a quorum-sensing mechanism that requires the cells to reach a certain density before they can start secreting adhesive. Maybe build an AND gate such that adhesive genes are only activated IF (signal) AND (quorum). Daniel's presentation (bioengineering theory) . Need to develop a theoretical basis for our work. o May be able to adapt principles from electrical engineering. . Need standardized logical theory of biological networks . Goals of theory: o Develop a formal language of gene circuits For next week: . Laura o Do more advanced reading into tyrosinase system o Has gene been cloned and have people tried to express it? o Work on funding . Damon o Talk to Sean Crosson - culture conditions, etc. o Review papers about Caulobacter o Meet with Chris Schoenbaum (Wednesday) . Thomas o Look up more about B. subtilis - look for availability o Look up Pseudomonas . Nora o More research on exogenous Type III systems for E. coli o Look up pre-existing secretion systems in the registry . Rob o Quorum sensing mechanism (check out work of Ron Weiss) . Daniel/Ioana o Also look into quorum sensing mechanism o Read some stuff about reaction-diffusion mechanisms . Jata o Look up other secretion systems o Look up other things at will