Team:Lethbridge CCS/Notebook


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<!-- === July &amp; August === -->
'''[[Team:Lethbridge_CCS/Notebook/July &amp; August| July &amp; August Notebook]]'''
=== July & August ===
(all team members)
'''[[Team:Lethbridge_CCS/Notebook/September|September Notebook]]'''
* as time permitted, we spent time with the U of L team to watch, ask questions about, and try techniques we would be using once we got started on our own project
=== 13 Aug 2008 ===
(Peter, Elizabeth, Paul, Marc, Glenda, Nathan)
* planned more specifics for project (which insert to use, etc)
=== 19 Aug 2008 ===
(Peter, Paul, Elizabeth, Marc, Glenda, Nathan)
* Designed primers
=== 2 Sept 2008 ===
(Peter, Paul, Elizabeth, Glenda, Nathan)
* Resuspended our primers (psB1A7 forward and reverse; TetR-GFP forward and reverse) to 100 &mu;M.
* Made 10-fold dilutions of each primer
* Set up and ran PCR on psB1A7
** varied concentration of vector (1 x, 1/10 x, 1/100 x) and annealing temperatures (58&deg;C, 62&deg;C, 66&deg;C), giving nine variations;
** used materials and amounts as per Phusion polymerase kit
- Cycling temperatures and times for PCR
    Initial denaturation          98&deg;C            30 sec  ___
    Denaturation                  98&deg;C            10 sec      |
    Annealing                      58/62/66 &deg;C    30 sec      |--- 30 cycles
    Extension                      72&deg;C            1 min    ___|
    Final extension                72&deg;C            10 min
    Hold                          4&deg;C            hold
=== 3 Sept 2008 ===
(Peter, Paul, Elizabeth, Marc, Glenda, Nathan)
* PCR of pSB1A7 from yesterday worked well; approximate size was expected to be ~2500 bp, which was verified (see below)
** [[Image:PCRpSB1A7]]
* did PCR with TetR-GFP using same 9 samples and cycling times/temperatures as yesterday except temperature gradient was 57&deg;C-61&deg;C-65&deg; 
=== 6 Sept 2008 ===
(Peter, Paul, Marc, Glenda, Nathan)
* looked at PCR results from 3 Sept; some extra bands (see picture)
** [[Image:PCRTetR-GFP]]  
* decided to do Agarose gel purification of pSB1A7 from 2 Sept and TetR-GFP from 3 Sept
* used pooled samples as follows: 
** pSB1A7:  1/100x at 62&deg;C,1x and 1/10x at 66&deg;C
** TetR-GFP:  all three 1x samples
* used Fermentas 1kb GeneRuler; ran at 1000 V for 25 minutes
* used MinElute Gel Extraction kit to purify
=== 6 - 13 Sept 2008 ===
(Peter, Paul, Elizabeth, Marc, Glenda)
* spent many hours preparing and rehearsing presentation for AGEM
=== 15 Sept 2008 ===
(Peter, Paul, Elizabeth, Marc, Glenda)
* attended and presented at the AGEM conference in Kananaskis
=== 24 Sept 2008 ===
(Peter, Paul, Elizabeth, Glenda, Nathan)
* prepared ligation mixture to recircularize vector
- Ligation mixture:
    10x Buffer    1 &mu;L
    Vector        3 &mu;L
    Ligase        1 &mu;L
    Water          5 &mu;L
  left overnight
=== 27 Sept 2008 ===
(Peter, Paul, Elizabeth, Marc, Glenda, Nathan)
* cultures grew nicely, but need to do further tests to see if what grew was what we were looking for
* spent some time discussing which buffers, temperatures, times, etc. to use with T4 endonuclease for testing the LIC method and the Klenow fragment of EcoR1 endonuclease for trying the SLIC method
* decided on using Fermentas buffers for T4 and NEB buffer 2 for Klenow; decided we would use same conditions for both:  20 minutes at 37 &deg;C, followed by 10 minutes at 65 &deg;C.
=== 29 Sept 2008 ===
(Paul, Elizabeth, Marc, Glenda, Nathan)
=== 30 Sept 2008 ===
(Paul, Elizabeth, Glenda, Nathan)
* did gel electrophoresis on 4 colonies chosen from smear plate of recircularized plasmid; all same length
* treated our vector and insert with polymerase (each were done with both T4 and Klenow)
  - T4 treatment: components and amounts
    dCTP          3.33 &mu;L                              dGTP            3.33 &mu;L
    T4 Buffer        2 &mu;L                              T4 Buffer          2 &mu;L
    T4            0.4 &mu;L (2 units)                      T4              0.4 &mu;L
    Vector        2.5 &mu;L                                Insert          2.5 &mu;L
    Water          1.77 &mu;L                              Water          1.77 &mu;L
  - Klenow treatment: components and amounts
    NEBuffer2      1 &mu;L                                  NEBuffer2      1 &mu;L
    Klenow        2 &mu;L                                  Klenow          2 &mu;L
    Vector        1 &mu;L                                  Insert          2.5 &mu;L
    Water          6 &mu;L                                  Water          4.5 &mu;L
  (Smaller amount of vector used as we did not have any more; probably should have used larger volume as
    polymerase volume should be 10% of total volume)
* we then did a PCR purification using the Qiagen MinElute Purification kit, followed by quantification on all 4 of the samples prepared above
- at 50x dilution, T4-GFP gave ratio of 1.6 and concentration of 92 ng/&mu;L, while T4-vector gave ratio of 1
  and concentration of 42 ng/&mu;L and both Klenow samples gave basically no results
- we then repeated the T4-vector at 25x dilution and obtained a ratio of 1.05 and concentration of 54 ng/&mu;L;
  we also repeated the Klenow samples at 16x dilution, but results were still inconclusive
- we decided we would mix the remaining Kleenow samples together and run a transformation
-NOTE: water was used as blank, rather than EB buffer as ought to have been used
'''[[Team:Lethbridge_CCS/Notebook/October|October Notebook]]'''
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Latest revision as of 00:34, 19 October 2008

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