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         <table width="239" height="748" border="1" bordercolor="#0000FF">
            <td height="100" bgcolor="#0000FF"><span class="STYLE10 STYLE12"><span class="STYLE26">Welcome to Tianjin University’s 2008 iGEM team ! </span></span></td>
            <td><span class="STYLE13"><span class="STYLE11"><img src="" width="294" height="216"></span></span></td>
            <td bgcolor="#0066FF"><span class="STYLE16">Tianjin University was founded as Peiyang University in 1895 as the first  state founded university in China, and In 1951, after restructuring, Peiyang  University was renamed Tianjin University, and became one of the largest  multidisciplinary engineering universities in China. </span></td>
            <td><span class="STYLE13"><img src="" width="294" height="179"></span></td>
    <td width="605" height="50" bgcolor="#0099FF"><p class="STYLE27"><span class="STYLE35">O</span> Project</p></td>
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    <td nowrap bordercolor="#03438A" bgcolor="#03438A"><div align="center" class="STYLE40"><a href="" class="STYLE46">Tianjin
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    <td bordercolor="#03438A" bgcolor="#03438A"><div align="center"><span class="STYLE43"><a href=""><span
class="STYLE46">Welcome to <strong>TUBIC</strong></span></a></span></div></td>
    <td bordercolor="#03438A" bgcolor="#03438A"><span class="STYLE17">aaaaaaaa</span><img src="截图未命名2.jpg"
width="123" height="126"></td>
    <td bordercolor="#03438A" bgcolor="#03438A"><div align="center" class="STYLE39"><a href="" class="STYLE45">Yao Hua High
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      <td width="7" rowspan="3" valign="top" bgcolor="#03438A"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell-->&nbsp;</td>
          <td width="393" height="70" align="center" valign="bottom" nowrap bgcolor="#03438A" class="pageName"><div align="center"><span class="STYLE126">Welcome to Tianjin University</span></div></td>
          <td width="10" rowspan="3" valign="top" bgcolor="#03438A"><!--DWLayoutEmptyCell-->&nbsp;</td>
      <td height="793" valign="middle" bgcolor="#03438A" class="bodyText"><p class="STYLE88"><span class="STYLE68"><span class="STYLE111">L</span>ast year, the innovative design of genetic  bio-diode and RS flip-flop successfully brought us back a gold medal from iGEM.  And for 2008, we will come around with a synthetic convertible ecosystem and a  foolproof self-assembly
              gene device</span>. </p>
        <p class="STYLE32"><a href="#" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()" onMouseOver="MM_swapImage('Image10','','',1)"><img src="" name="Image10" width="390"
height="295" border="0"></a></p>
        <p class="STYLE38">&nbsp;</p>         <p class="STYLE108"><span class="STYLE107">T</span>ianjin  University was founded as Peiyang University in 1895 as the first state founded  university in China, and In 1951,
                after restructuring, Peiyang University was  renamed Tianjin University, and became one of the largest multidisciplinary  engineering universities in China.
          Now Tianjin  University is among the leading research  institutes  and particularly exceeds its peers in chemical engineering. </p>          </td>
      <td height="354" valign="top" bgcolor="#03438A" class="bodyText"> <img src="" width="390"
    <td width="332" valign="top" bgcolor="#03438A"><table width="95%" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
         <td width="385" height="331"><img src= width="385" height="344"></td>
         <td width="350" height="70" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#03438A"><span class="STYLE126">Our Project</span> </td>
        <td width="210" rowspan="2" bgcolor="#0066FF"><table width="210" height="393" border="1">
            <td width="200" height="33"><img src="" width="200" height="121"></td>
        <td height="70" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#03438A"><div class="STYLE126">        
            <td height="33" bgcolor="#0066FF"><span class="STYLE34">A prison dilemma for bacteria </span></td>
          <p>Foolproof self-assembly system</p>
            <td bgcolor="#0066FF"><span class="STYLE33">The coexistence of organisms has been in  the focus of research interests for a while, revealing the interactions between  species not only contributes to the deeper understanding of natural systems but  also provides perspectives for more efficient coculture of organisms that  function in pharmaceutical engineering and soil remediation.</span></td>
         <td height="55" bgcolor="#0066FF"><p class="STYLE21 STYLE1">Synthetic Symbiosis Ecosystem </p></td>
         <td height="161" valign="top" bgcolor="#03438A"><p class="STYLE121">A genetic self-assembly system was built to  reduce the labor and cost involved in gene cloning experiments. Via the  mechanism of site-specific recombination and incompatibility of plasmids, our  device could make it possible that the recombination of the genes of interest  as well as the dilution of the undesired recombinant genes will be automatically performed by the cells, upon introducing the foreign genes.</p></td>
         <td height="326"><img src=截图未命名222222.jpg  width="385" height="324" border="0"></td>
         <td height="355" valign="top" bgcolor="#03438A"><img src="" width="332" height="350"></td>
         <td rowspan="2" bgcolor="#0066FF"><table width="210" height="355" border="1">
            <td width="198" height="20" bgcolor="#0066FF"><span class="STYLE38">A genetic self-assembly system</span></td>
            <td height="276" bgcolor="#0066FF"><span class="STYLE41">we are
              trying to further save the labor and cost involved the four steps in gene
              cloning experiments by esigning a bacterial self-assembly system based on
              the mechanisms of site-specific recombination between cloned attP/attB sites
              as well as Cre/loxp recombination system.  Four standardized vectors-two<br>
              donor vectors and one receptor vector as well as one transitional vector<br>
              have been constructed to realize our goal.</span></td>
         <td height="60" bgcolor="#0066FF"><span class="STYLE20">Bacterial Self-assembly system</span></td>
         <td height="48" align="center" valign="middle" bgcolor="#03438A"><div>
          <p class="STYLE128">Synthetic convertible &#13;ecosystem&#13;          </p>
    <td height="50" colspan="2" bgcolor="#00FF99">&nbsp;</td>
    <td height="182" colspan="2" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><table width="919" height="149" border="0" bordercolor="#E2E2E2" bgcolor="#00FFFF">
         <td width="114"><img src= width="113" height="109" align="absmiddle"></td>
         <td height="126" valign="top" bgcolor="#03438A"><p class="STYLE121">A convertible ecosystem comprised of two  strains that could switch between mutualism and competition has been built. The  relationship between the two could be regulated by changing culture conditions. By doing this, we explored the possibilities of improving the coexistent  ecosystems that function in industries.</p></td>
        <td width="228"><img src="截图未命名111.jpg" width="233" height="103"></td>
         <td width="116"><img src="" width="106" height="107"></td>
         <td><div align="center"><span class="STYLE37"><A href="" target="_blank">TianJin University</A></span></div></td>
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        <td><div align="center" class="STYLE32"><A href="" target="_blank"><strong> YaoHua </strong></A></div></td>
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Latest revision as of 04:05, 30 October 2008

Entertainment - Home Page












Welcome to Tianjin University

Last year, the innovative design of genetic bio-diode and RS flip-flop successfully brought us back a gold medal from iGEM. And for 2008, we will come around with a synthetic convertible ecosystem and a foolproof self-assembly gene device.


Tianjin University was founded as Peiyang University in 1895 as the first state founded university in China, and In 1951, after restructuring, Peiyang University was renamed Tianjin University, and became one of the largest multidisciplinary engineering universities in China. Now Tianjin University is among the leading research institutes and particularly exceeds its peers in chemical engineering.

Our Project

Foolproof self-assembly system

A genetic self-assembly system was built to reduce the labor and cost involved in gene cloning experiments. Via the mechanism of site-specific recombination and incompatibility of plasmids, our device could make it possible that the recombination of the genes of interest as well as the dilution of the undesired recombinant genes will be automatically performed by the cells, upon introducing the foreign genes.

Synthetic convertible ecosystem

A convertible ecosystem comprised of two strains that could switch between mutualism and competition has been built. The relationship between the two could be regulated by changing culture conditions. By doing this, we explored the possibilities of improving the coexistent ecosystems that function in industries.