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<br>My life is all about moving. What I need is some action! Most of my spare time is spent outdoors with my husband and friends doing sports or just enjoying the nature. Not that I have a lot of spare time, but I try to make the most of it. I am also very passionate about my field of study. Medicine means the world to me. How come I joined iGEM? That was quite a common question in the past couple of months. Medicine doesn't have much to do with synthetic biology. No idea.. I just did. And I made the most of it - with the help of people who love me and support me at all times and to whom I want to thank from the bottom of my heart.
<br> I want to get some food and even more sleep! <br>

Revision as of 04:36, 30 October 2008


Ana Lasič

I want to get some food and even more sleep!

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