Ideas brainstorming. Below are the ideas worked out.
Drug delivery system
secretion turned on/off by extracellular conditions.
bacterial cell synthesizes biomatrix which encases the drug for delivery.
self-regulated dosage frequency & amount
protects drug from biological degradation en route to targeted cells.
characteristics of the drug: highlight issues of current drug delivery route -> optimum. injection/oral/why drug cant be delievered in any other form.
Type of bioproduct that bact can produce to encapsulate the drug ?
detachment of drug from biopolymatric material
where the biopolymatrix material goes - characteristics ? toxicity / carcinogenicity ?
FDA-approval of "shell" (non toxic/carcinogenic/irritation)
how shell moves to plasma - hydrophillicity / hydrophobicity.
Why deliver drug in the said way?
two mechanisms
Smoking cessation
switch off nicotine receptors - no withdrawal symptoms
interferance with other pathways ?
smoking is habitual ?
for detection of certain disease by detection of byproducts of the disease
BUT -> sustained period of use in body, how?
Self-regulated insulin system
==> triggerred on/off by low insulin levels / high glucose levels.
delivery of gene / protein
incorporation of growth factors into scaffolds
growth factor release from scaffold : to attract cells onto surface. adhesion
current mtds: (s)-(l) phase sep, leaching, chemi env too harsh for growth factors.
release of growth factors regulation
slow release to prevent shock to cell system.
incorporate microspheres into scaffolds ? HOW?
target cancer drugs to site
use of viral vectors / biological systems (enzy-substr recog) ?
inorganics : change particle to be controlled by external forces eg magnetic / electrical chemotaxi.
stem cells -> control env in which cells grow - Wang Dong An
molecular transport for gene / drug delivery
motor proteins already available; add on to library. ->Issue: energy
potential tag to specific cells ->detectable.
Autotrophic bacteria
produces carbohydrates upon exposure to light.
food, energy
synthesis of enzyme that converts cellulose to simple sugars
cellulose sources from non-edible parts of cultivational crop.
enzyme breaks down cellulose sugars into lactic acid -> polymer
grow corn crops for food and produce PLA / PHA
==> old idea, but can be refined. (PHB).
Electricity-generating bacteria
bacteria used for breaking down toxic wastes, at the same time generating electricity
self-sustaining system.
Ozone-releasing Bacteria
bacteria that breaks down pollutants and releases ozone?
Rebuilds ozone layer. Exposed to light produces oxygen
filter in industrial chimneys ?
self-sustaining, dont have to be replaced as often as catalytic converters
Design of bacteria cells that react to physical conditions, eg electric potential, concentration gradient for use in Biocomputers.
DNA molecules can store vast amounts of information
Silicon Wafers
Synthesizing silicon wafers using biological systems
Cell Phone
Cell making noises instead of flouresecent
Cell itself making sound
Cell producing a molecule that activates a sound making device
Hearing sounds made by cells.. raman spectroscopy
so cell exposed to physical stimulus produces a molecule that initiates a chain reaction to activate
Self regenerating Fire Extinguisher
Cell Matrix containing cell products that can extinguishes fire but can regenerate itself without refilling
Water-producing walls when exposed to high heat
Prevents collapsing of wall due to heat disintergration, delay collapse of walls, increasing survival rates in fires disaster for both victims and firefighters