Team:University of Washington/Protocols


Revision as of 19:45, 1 July 2008 by Funfai (Talk | contribs)


From medium- or high-copy miniprepped plasmid DNA obtained via Qiagen kit

1. Dilute primer to 1 pmole/uL (=1 umole/mL)

2. Aliquot 8 uL of primer (=8 pmole) per epi tube for each sequencing reaction (1 primer/tube, so if you are doing forward and reverse reaction, two tubes). Make sure that you use the correct primers for your reaction.

3. Add 4 uL Qiagen-miniprepped plasmid DNA

4. Fill out form on UW DNA Sequencing Facility website. Make sure that you are connected to a printer for this. Use budget number: 75-1064, Box number: 355761. If you do not already have an account, you will have to make one. Use your own phone number, and Herbert's info for PI information (Box 355061, William H. Foege Building, Room N210E). Select "Plasmid DNA", give short description to each tube. Write down the number they give you (usually your initials and then some number) on the top of the epindorf tube. At the bottom, select "Rxn and analysis" and "BDSF's Choice", and NO for printing.

5. Print out two copies of the form, one on colored paper (or on white paper that you can then scribble around the edges with a highlighter or a Sharpie). Give the other copy to Ingrid.

6. Submit to sequencing on the 2nd floor of the Hitchcock building. Turn in the colored form where it says "Drop off". Place your samples in the fridge that says "Rxn and analysis", anywhere in a box that says "Template and primer mix".

Mini Preps

Qiagen Kit
1. 250μL P1 resuspend pellet
2. 250μL P2
3. 350μL N3
4. Centrifuge full speed 10 min.
5. Decant supernatant into filter cartridge
6. Spin 1 min.
·empty collection tube
7. Add 750μL PE wash buffer
8. Spin 1 min.
·empty collection tube
9. Dry spin 2 min.
10. Put filter cartridge in clean eppendorf tube
11. Add 50μL EB
·Centrifuge 2 min. @ 9000 rpm

QuikChange Mutagenesis


Reference: [<a href="">Stratagene QuikChange® XL Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit Instruction Manual</a>]

- Design the sequences
- Design primers(>= 40% GC, boiling point >= 78C, length ~25-45 bp, mutation between 10-15 correct bases of sequence, terminate in G or C)

1. Add followings to the thin-walled tube for thermocycling

     5 μl          10× reaction buffer
X μl (10 ng) dsDNA template
X μl (125 ng) oligonucleotide primer #1
X μl (125 ng) oligonucleotide primer #2
1 μl dNTP mix
3 μl DMSO

2. Add ddH2O to a final volume of 50 μl 3. Add 1 μl of PfuTurbo DNA polymerase (2.5 U/μl)
