This year is the first year the University of Groningen is joining the iGEM competition. Our team – The Groningen Transformers – will focus on cell-cell signal systems, cellular automata and the Conway’s Game of Life! -
Overall project
In our braistorm sessions we all agreed that it would be fun to create a system in Escherichia coli which could generate itself. Using such a system and a system where cells could communicate which eachother, nice patterns could be generate with that. So we went looking for a way to use these systems together and make use of the patterns it could create. You could use this in a grid form to make games - four-on-a-row and minesweeper. However we figured out that the nicest thing to do with this, is making a cellulair automaton like the Conway's game of life. Here you only need to give an input in the beginning and the system will generate itself.