Team:The University of Alberta/Project


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The Projects

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  • Estrogen receptor interaction with estrogen response elements Carolyn M. Klinge[| Link]
  • Direct Evidence Revealing Structural Elements Essential for the High Binding Ability of Bisphenol A to Human Estrogen-Related Receptor-γ: Hiroyuki Okada, Takatoshi Tokunaga, Xiaohui Liu, Sayaka Takayanagi, Ayami Matsushima, and Yasuyuki Shimohigashi [| Link]
  • A novel estrogen sensor based on recombinant Arxula adeninivorans cells: Thomas Hahna, Kristina Taga, Klaus Riedela, Steffen Uhligb, Keith Baronianc, Gerd Gellissend and Gotthard Kunzea [| Link]
  • Endocrine disruptor bisphenol A strongly binds to human estrogen-related receptor γ (ERRγ) with high constitutive activity:Sayaka Takayanagia, Takatoshi Tokunagaa, Xiaohui Liua, Hiroyuki Okadaa, Ayami Matsushimaa and Yasuyuki Shimohigashi [| Link]
  • Phytochrome-interacting factors: Peter H. Quail
    [| Link]
  • Photoactivated Phytochrome Induces Rapid PIF3 Phosphorylation Prior to Proteasome-Mediated Degradation: Bassem Al-Sady, Weimin Ni, Stefan Kircher, Eberhard Schäfer and Peter H. Quail
    [| Link]
  • Coordinated regulation of Arabidopsis thaliana development by light and gibberellins: Suhua Feng, Cristina Martinez, Giuliana Gusmaroli, Yu Wang, Junli Zhou, Feng Wang, Liying Chen, Lu Yu, Juan M. Iglesias-Pedraz, Stefan Kircher, Eberhard Schäfer, Xiangdong Fu, Liu-Min Fan & Xing Wang Deng
    [| Link]
  • The Basic Helix–Loop–Helix Transcription Factor Family in Plants: A Genome-Wide Study of Protein Structure and Functional Diversity: Marc A. Heim, Marc Jakoby, Martin Werber, Cathie Martin, Bernd Weisshaar, and Paul C. Bailey
    [| Link]
  • Mechanistic duality of transcription factor function in phytochrome signaling: Bassem Al-Sady, Elise A. Kikis, Elena Monte,and Peter H. Quail [| Link]
  • Natural Animal Coloration Can Be Determined by a Nonfluorescent Green Flourescent Protein Homolog: Lukyanov K., Fradkov A., Gurskaya N., Matz M., Labas Y., Savitsky A., Markelov M., Zaraisky A., Zhao X., Fang Y., Tan W., and Lukyanov S.
    [| Link]
  • Aerobic degradation of bisphenol A by Achromobacter xylosoxidans strain B-16 isolated from compost leachate of municipal solid waste:Chang Zhanga, Guangming Zenga, , , Li Yuana, Jian Yub, Jianbing Lia, c, Guohe Huanga, d, Beidou Xie and Hongliang Liua, e.
    [| Link]