Team:KULeuven/6 September 2008


Revision as of 19:47, 6 September 2008 by Zeunas (Talk | contribs)

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Lab Work

Wet Lab

Busy day for a saturday ;)

  • Made some new electrocompetent TOP10 cells, we've got about 32 new aliquots of bacteria happy to be fried by a thousand volts.
  • PCR with prefix-sufix primers on R1052 and the hybrid promoter. Gave some weird results. Will need to be looked at again.
  • Made a couple digests: R0040+E0240, C0061+B0015 and C0056+B0015 were cut with EcoRI, E0040 was cut with SpeI and PstI, and B0015 was cut with XbaI and PstI. They were put on gel and then purified. The results looked very good.
  • Also made a digest of K145201, K145205, K145253, K145251 and R0040+J23022+J23109+J23032, but then I forgot to load the Smartladder onto the gel. These digest were set up again (overnight reaction). Anyway, the gel already looked very promising ;-)
  • Started some new ligations (mainly to test the new hybrid promoter): R0040+P0353, (R0040+B0032)+(C0062+B0015), (R0011+B0032)+(C0061+B0015) and E0040+B0015.
  • We set up a PCR to test our ligations using the VF2/VR primers.

Dry Lab

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