Team:University of Sheffield /Misc


Revision as of 12:04, 28 October 2008 by Rodieb01 (Talk | contribs)

Introduction Our project Modelling Wet Lab Our team Timetable Miscellaneous


You can download a presentation we gave to some of our sponsors summarizing our project here:

Presentation as a PDF file

Presentation as a Microsoft PowerPoint file


Highly recommended!!

DROPBOX is a brillaint way to share information as a team without constant emails and attachments. Everyone downloads the program, and shares a single account. Then drag and drop any files you want the team to see/have updated into the 'box' on your desktop, and everyone gets a small windows popup telling them which files have changed when they connect to the internet. We found this completely invaluable for both assigning papers to read and when all editing group work togther (such as our funding proposal)

Dropbox homepage
