Team:University of Lethbridge/Notebook/Project3September


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September 30, 2008


PCR of genomic + rpsA DNA with two different sets of primers

Reaction Conditions:

 - 1.0 uL Template DNA
 - 5.0 uL 10x Buffer
 - 2.0 uL 10 mM dNTPs
 - 1.0 uL Forward Primer
 - 1.0 uL Reverse Primer
 - 0.5 uL Econo taq polymerase
 - 39.5 uL Optima H2O

PCR carried out for 1/10 and 1/100 dilutions of genomic DNA and rpsA DNA

Cycling Conditions:

1. 94 C 2 min
2. a. 94 C 15 sec
   b. 47 C 15 sec
   c. 72 C 15 sec 
3. Repeat step 2 for 25 cycles
4.72 C 5 min

RpsA PCR.jpg