
From 2008.igem.org

Revision as of 10:39, 26 August 2008 by Adlerma (Talk | contribs)

Edinburgh iGem 2008


Plates 1 and 2: transformation with a BioBrick from the Registry stock: failed. (18.06.08)
Plate 3: L1 (pSB1A2+dxs) transformation, 100μl. (27.06.08)
Plate 4: L2 (pSB1A2+appY) transformation, 100μl. (27.06.08) - Failed
Plate 5: L3 (BABEL1+glgC) transformation, 100μl. (27.06.08)
Plate 6: L4 (BABEL2+glgC) transformation, 100μl. (27.06.08)
Plate 7: L1 (pSB1A2+dxs) transformation, 900μl. (27.06.08)
Plate 8: L2 (pSB1A2+appY) transformation, 900μl. (27.06.08) - Failed
Plate 9: L3 (BABEL1+glgC) transformation, 900μl. (27.06.08)
Plate 10: L4 (BABEL2+glgC) transformation, 900μl. (27.06.08)
Plate 11: possible pSB1A2+dxs transformants. (28.06.08)
Plate 12: possible Babel1+glgC transformants. (28.06.08)
Plate 13: possible Babel2+glgC transformants. (28.06.08)
Plate 14: more subcultures from plates 5 and 6. (29.06.08)
Plates 15 and 16: retransformation of religated L2. Failed again. (03.07.08)
Plate 17: Pantoea ananatis for crt PCR reactions. (05.07.08)
Plates 18 and 19: L5 (pSB1A2+appY) transformation, 100μl and 900μl. (05.07.08)
Plate 20: subculture from plate 19. (06.07.08)
Plate 21: subcultures from plate 19. (07.07.08)
Plates 22 and 23: L6 (BABEL2+glgC-mut1) transformation. No colonies. (08.07.08)
Plates 24 and 25: L7 (BABEL2+glgC-mut2) transformation. (08.07.08)
Plates 26 and 27: subcultures from plates 24 and 25 (L7). (09.07.08)
Plates 28 and 29: Cellulomonas fimi from initial stock. (11.07.08)
Plates 30 and 31: possible pSB1A2+crtB (L9) transformants. (11.07.08)
Plates 32 and 33: possible pSB1A2+crtI-mut (L10) transformants. (11.07.08)
Plate 34: possible pSB1A2+rbs+dxs clones from Nimisha's plates. (11.07.08)
Plate 35: patches of possible pSB1A2+crtB transformants from Plate 30. (12.07.08)
Plate 36: patches of possible pSB1A2+crtI-mut transformants from Plates 32 and 33. (12.07.08)
Plate 37: subculture of C. fimi on NA with filter paper (cellulose). (15.07.08)
Plates 38 and 39: L15 transformation (pSB1A2+rbs+dxs). (15.07.08)
Plates 40 and 41: L13 transformation (BABEL2+glgC-mut1,2). (15.07.08)
Plates 42, 44 and 45: Patches of possible BABEL2+glgC-mut1,2 transformants - subcultures from plate 41. (17.07.08)
Plate 43: Patches of possible pSB1A2+rbs+dxs transformants - subcultures from plate 38 or 39. (17.07.08)
Plates 46 and 47: L16 transformation (rbs+appY with Edinbrick1) (18.07.08) - No growth
Plates 48~50: _Cellulomonas fimi_ from overnight cultures made from plate 37. (24/07/08)
Plates 51/52: L19 Transforations (rbs\-_dxs_\-Edinbrick) (26/07/08: CF)
Plates 53/54: L20 Transforations (rbs\-_appY_\-Edinbrick) (26/07/08: CF)
Plates 55/56: L21 Transforations (rbs\-_crtB_\-Edinbrick) (26/07/08: CF)
Plates 57/58: L22 Transforations (rbs\-_crtI_\-Edinbrick) (26/07/08: CF)
Plates 59/60: L23 Transforations (PzntA-Edinbrick) (26/07/08: CF)
Plates 61/62: L24 Transforations (_crtE_\-pSB1A2 - from BABEL) (26/07/08: CF)
Plates 63/64: Repeat transformations of L20 (28/07/08: Yan, OG)
Plates 65/66: Repeat transformations of L21 (28/07/08: Yan, OG)
Plates 67/68: glgc mutant 1&2 transformation (29.07.2008: Yan)
Plates 69/70: rbs+dxs, 100 and 900 µl (30.07.2008: CF)
Plates 71/72: crtE coding sequence in Babel2, 100 and 900 µl (30.07.2008: CF)
Plate 73: Subs from Plate 67 (30.07.2008: CF)
Plate 74: Subs from Plates 69-72 (30.07.2008: CF)
Plates 75/76: L26 (Edi-rbs\-_appY_) 100 microlitres/900 microlitres (31.07.2008: HX)
Plates 77/78: L27 (Edi-rbs\-_crtB_) 100 microlitres/900 microlitres (31.07.2008: HX)
Plates 79/80: L28 (Edi\-_cenA_) 100 microlitres/900 microlitres (31.07.2008: HX)
Plates 81/82: L29 (Edi\-_cex_) 100 microlitres/900 microlitres (31.07.2008: HX)
Plate 83: Subs from Plate 76 (L26: Edi-rbs+appY) (01.08.2008: OG)
Plate 84: Subs from Plate 77 (L27: Edi-rbs+crtB) (01.08.2008: HX)
Plate 85: Subs from Plate 80 (L28: Edi+cenA) (01.08.2008: AM)
Plate 86: Subs from Plates 81/82 (L29: Edi+cex) (01.08.2008: AM)
Plate 89/90: L30 (Self-ligation of P15) 100ml/900ml (06.08.2008: HX)
Plate 91/92: L31 (Double digestion of P36/P39 by OG) 100ml/900ml (06.08.2008: HX)
Plate 93: Subculture from Plate 56 (M67, pSB1A2-rbs\-_crtB_) (05.08.08: CF)
Plate 94: Subculture from Plate 89,90 (07.08.08: HX)
Plate 95: Subculture from Plate 92 (07.08.08: HX)
Plate 96: LB, ampicillin plate spread with subcultures from plate 43. (HX, 07.08.08)
Plate 97: LB, ampicillin, 2% glucose plate spread with subcultures from plate 43. (HX, 07.08.08)
Plates 98/99: Transformation of L32 (_crtB_/_crtI_) (08.08.08: HX)
Plate 100/101: Repeat transformation of L31 (Double digestion of P36/P39 by OG) (08.08.08: HX)
Plate 102: Patches from plate 99 (L32, crtBI) (10.08.08: CF)
Plate 103: Patches from plate 101 (L31, glgC double mutant+pSB1A2) (10.08.08: CF)
Plate 104/105: Transform L36 pSB1A2-crtY 100µl/900µl (10.08.08: CF)
Plate 106/107: Transform L37 pSB1A2-rbs-crtY 100µl/900µl (10.08.08: CF)
Plate 108: Subcultures from plates 105 and 106 (11.08.08: CF)
Plate 109/110: Transformation of L33 pSB1A2-PcstA 100µl/900µl (11.08.08: Yan)
Plate 111/112: Transformation of L34 dxs-crtE 100µl/900µl (11.08.08: Yan)
Plate 113/114: Transformation of L35 dxs-lims 100µl/900µl (11.08.08: Yan)
Plate 115: Subs from L33 (Pl. 109/110: pSB1A2-PcstA), L34 (Pl. 111/112: dxs-crtE) and L35 (Pl. 113/114: dxs-lims)
Plates 116/117: Transformation of L38 (psb1A2\-_crtE_) (13.08.08: HX)
Plate 118: Subs from plate 116 (pSB1A2+crtE 100 microlitres). (14.08.08: AH)
Plate 119/120: Transformation of L40 (CenA+Edinbrick1) (14.08.08: YAN)
Plate 121/122: Transformation of L39 (Cex+Edinbrick1) (14.08.08: YAN)
Plate 123/124: Repeat to transform with L39 (cex+Edinbrick1)  (15.08.08: HX)
Plate 125/126: Transform with L40 (cenA+Edinbrick1) (15.08.08: HX)
Plate 127/128: Transform with L41 (dxs/crtE) (15.08.08: HX)
Plate 129: CenA & CeX white colonies from Plates 120 & 123-126 (16/08: CF)
Plate 130: dxs-CrtE white colonies from plate 127-128 (16/08: CF)
Plate 131/132: maize pENTR221 transformation, ISA1 Kan 10 (16/08: CF)
Plate 133/134: maize pENTR221 transformation, ISA2 Kan 10 (16/08: CF)
Plate 135: patches(colonies) from plates 131,133 (16/08: CF)
Plate 136/137: Transformation with L48 (dxs+Lims+Appy) (20.08.08: Yan)
Plate 138/139: Transformation with L49 (CrtBI+Appy) (20.08.08: YAN)
Plate 140/141: Transformation with Edinbrick1 only as control (20.08.08: YAN)