Registration FAQs


Revision as of 19:50, 19 May 2008 by Meagan (Talk | contribs)


Team Information

How do I add members to my team roster?

There are multiple ways to add members to your team:

  1. After the team application has been accepted, the instructors of the team will receive a team registration code that they can provide to students on the team. The students can then create a user account and at that point, join the already existing team and add themselves to the team roster.
  2. When team members create their user accounts, they will be able to join an existing iGEM team by request. Once they complete their user account setup, they will have a user account but it will be up to the instructors to accept their membership on the team. Instructors will be able to do this by going to the Team Information page.
  3. The primary contact of the team will be be able to add team members to the team roster by inputting their Users & Groups system user names into the Team Information page. For this, the team members must have already created their own user accounts. This last method of adding team members is probably not the easiest way since you will be faced with a pull down list of all user names, so we would suggest adding members via one of the first two methods.

Can teams use services from their corporate synthetic biology sponsors?

iGEM has two primary corporate sponsors, Mathworks and Geneart. Those companies are providing their services to all iGEM teams.

Individual iGEM teams often receive sponsorship from other companies and receive services from those companies. There are no regulations on this. The only relevant requirement is that the team must properly attribute work done by the team and work done by others.


What if I already have a Registry account?

The Registry user database has been copied over to the User & Groups Management system. This means that your Registry account WILL work to log in to UNG and therefore, to iGEM 2008. Don't forget that it is all one log in system now.

Note: The Registry ( has moved over to the same servers/computers that iGEM and UNG are on and therefore works with the single log in system.

What is the difference between Early and Late summer teams?

Schools in different countries have different summer schedules. For example, US schools typically are on summer break during June, July, and August. European schools have a summer of July, August, and September. Summers in other areas vary widely. We have called the June-July-August plan "Early summer" and the July-August-September plan "Late summer".

The teams are expected to have selected their project by the end of the first month of their summer. That would be July 1st for the early summer teams and August first for teh late summer teams.

These project descriptions serve three purposes: 1. To set a deadline for the teams to make a decision. 2. To provide abstracts for other teams and visitors to the iGEM web site. 3. To help teams with related projects find each other.

Do projects have to be described when the team registers?

No, the Resource Description should explain what resources the team has to do their work. The team is given a month after the beginning of their summer to select ah=nd describe their project.

Do I have to attend the teachers workshops in person? Can a graduate student attend?

IGEM is a community activity. It will be best for you to meet the other instructors and be able to represent the Synthetic Biology activities at your school.

Also, we do not plan to video or broadcast the lectures and there will be class work.

Graduate student instructors may attend and instructors are encouraged to bring a student.

Do I have to attend the Jamboree?

The Jamboree is the climax of the iGEM program. You should try to attend. In the past we have had some teams who planned to just send a representative to present the team's project. That would be less expensive, but would deprive the rest of the team members of this important experience and full credit for their accomplishments.

However, not all students are able to attend; we are disappointed but understand.

Can I get a Receipt or Invoice for my team payment?

The team payment information is at the Team Registration Fee you can get an invoice there. If you need more help, there is contact information att the bottom of the page.