Team:NTU-Singapore/Notebook/24 June 2008
- Chin Chong
- Plates with BL21 cells and Top10 cells both with LacI-GFP appears pinkish in normal light after overnight incubation
- Under UV the redness becomes more obvious
- Strange observation as it supposedly is Green Fluorescene and not Red Fluprescene
- Received quotations for Lysis gene and LsrA gene synthesis from 1st Base, AtiBioTech
- Redesigned primers of E7&Imm
- Conduct Trial for Characterization of LacI-GFP with M9 medium
- Use the M9 salts that were prepared the day before
- Add glycerol as Carbon source
- Inoculate BL21 and Top10 cells into two seperate 50ml tubes and incubate at 37 deg cel
- Measure the OD at 600nm from time zero=time of incubation at hourly intervals
- Results showed that the growth rate of cells in M9 medium is slow
- Inoculate Top10 cells with LacI-GFP in 5ml of LBA, 5ml of M9 with LBA and 5ml of M9 in three different 50 ml tubes
- Inoculate BL21 cells with LacI-GFP in 5ml of LBA
- Prepared 20 LBA agar plates for future use
- Plates with BL21 cells and Top10 cells both with LacI-GFP appears pinkish in normal light after overnight incubation