Team:Groningen/modeling files.html
Revision as of 22:53, 29 October 2008 by Martijn herber (Talk | contribs)

Modeling Files
Single-Cell Model Files
These files where used to model the single cell interval switch:
Note: please rename all linked files below with the correct extension indicated in the table! They are not all text files!
ModelBrickReadme.txt | Readme for ModelBrick Assembler |
mba.m | MATLAB script file for automatic assembly of modelbricks. | | contains all parts used in .xml format. |
partslibrary.mat | MATLAB workspace file containing all parts used in SimBiology model format. |
Single-Cell Model Files
The Matlab ".M" file implementing the spatial model can be found here. However it is renamed as a ".txt" file for Wiki-reasons. Please rename it to "spatial_model.m" before use!