System messages
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
exif-focalplaneresolutionunit-2 (Talk) | inches |
exif-focalplanexresolution (Talk) | Focal plane X resolution |
exif-focalplaneyresolution (Talk) | Focal plane Y resolution |
exif-gaincontrol (Talk) | Scene control |
exif-gaincontrol-0 (Talk) | None |
exif-gaincontrol-1 (Talk) | Low gain up |
exif-gaincontrol-2 (Talk) | High gain up |
exif-gaincontrol-3 (Talk) | Low gain down |
exif-gaincontrol-4 (Talk) | High gain down |
exif-gpsaltitude (Talk) | Altitude |
exif-gpsaltituderef (Talk) | Altitude reference |
exif-gpsareainformation (Talk) | Name of GPS area |
exif-gpsdatestamp (Talk) | GPS date |
exif-gpsdestbearing (Talk) | Bearing of destination |
exif-gpsdestbearingref (Talk) | Reference for bearing of destination |
exif-gpsdestdistance (Talk) | Distance to destination |
exif-gpsdestdistanceref (Talk) | Reference for distance to destination |
exif-gpsdestlatitude (Talk) | Latitude destination |
exif-gpsdestlatituderef (Talk) | Reference for latitude of destination |
exif-gpsdestlongitude (Talk) | Longitude of destination |
exif-gpsdestlongituderef (Talk) | Reference for longitude of destination |
exif-gpsdifferential (Talk) | GPS differential correction |
exif-gpsdirection-m (Talk) | Magnetic direction |
exif-gpsdirection-t (Talk) | True direction |
exif-gpsdop (Talk) | Measurement precision |
exif-gpsimgdirection (Talk) | Direction of image |
exif-gpsimgdirectionref (Talk) | Reference for direction of image |
exif-gpslatitude (Talk) | Latitude |
exif-gpslatitude-n (Talk) | North latitude |
exif-gpslatitude-s (Talk) | South latitude |
exif-gpslatituderef (Talk) | North or south latitude |
exif-gpslongitude (Talk) | Longitude |
exif-gpslongitude-e (Talk) | East longitude |
exif-gpslongitude-w (Talk) | West longitude |
exif-gpslongituderef (Talk) | East or west longitude |
exif-gpsmapdatum (Talk) | Geodetic survey data used |
exif-gpsmeasuremode (Talk) | Measurement mode |
exif-gpsmeasuremode-2 (Talk) | 2-dimensional measurement |
exif-gpsmeasuremode-3 (Talk) | 3-dimensional measurement |
exif-gpsprocessingmethod (Talk) | Name of GPS processing method |
exif-gpssatellites (Talk) | Satellites used for measurement |
exif-gpsspeed (Talk) | Speed of GPS receiver |
exif-gpsspeed-k (Talk) | Kilometers per hour |
exif-gpsspeed-m (Talk) | Miles per hour |
exif-gpsspeed-n (Talk) | Knots |
exif-gpsspeedref (Talk) | Speed unit |
exif-gpsstatus (Talk) | Receiver status |
exif-gpsstatus-a (Talk) | Measurement in progress |
exif-gpsstatus-v (Talk) | Measurement interoperability |
exif-gpstimestamp (Talk) | GPS time (atomic clock) |
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