(Under construction - Abstract re: Team)
You can write a background of your team here. Give us a background of your team, the members, etc. Or tell us more about something of your choosing.
Tell us more about your project. Give us background. Use this is the abstract of your project. Be descriptive but concise (1-2 paragraphs)
| Your team picture
| Team Example 2
(Or you can choose different headings. But you must have a team page, a project page, and a notebook page.)
Who we are
- Dave The RAVE Johnston: This man has travelled the world and brought back chewing gum from all over the world to prove it-- he's a calm and collected PhD student in plant agriculture; he aspires to feed hungry bodies with food and hungry brains with delicious science; his idealistic vision transforms us like a broad host range plasmid.
- Timothy Gingerich: Our Ontario Veterinary College (OVC) affiliate; this PhD student guides us with extensive knowledge and practical experience in genetic techniques in both prokarya and eukarya.
- Dr. Manish N. Raizada: Our technical advisor and representative; Dr. Raizada has kindly donated his lab and legal know-how to keep our projects running.
Operation SynthOp (Synthetic Operon Subproject)
- Brendan Hussey: Our very own renaissance man; athletic and dedicated to science, he is presently balancing as many as three genetics projects simultaneously and still has time to concatenate primers together; he can explain the most convoluted of concepts with little more than a diagram and ten words.
- Lisa Ledger: An interdisciplined being; she is equally well tuned in the lab, as well as in bioinformatics; this quick-witted well-rounded scientist can cure what ails your plasmid.
- Tin Vo: A deeply reflective individual-- silent in his contemplation; precise in his execution-- He is our laboratory ninja.
The Interference Brigade (RNAi Subproject)
- Jen Jennivo Vo: She is dedicated and quick learning; with her pleasant disposition, she can coax a bacterial culture into growing with her smile.
- Mufaddal Moff Man Girnary: He is well-read and well-rounded; this gentleman adds a layer of intrigue and unpredictable insight to the team.
Nerve Endings (Legal, Business and Gophers)
- Paula Hearn: She with her vast experiences with the Engineers without Borders has lent her legal and business expertise to the team.
- Eddie LOUD Ma: The team gopher-- forging connections with professors and chairs, keeping the minutes and doing the occasional transformation; thankfully, hunting season is closed.
Thanks to Our Contributors and Supporters:
(under construction)
What we did
(Provide proper attribution for all work)
Where we're from