News About iGEM


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More: There is a short list of igem07-related scientific publications on the Publishing iGEM Projects page.


  • [ Genetically Engineered Machines Competition]
  • [ Bizarre bacterial creations] Technology Review
  • [ Genetic Jamboree draws innovators] The Boston Globe
  • [ Slovenians engineer win in genetics competition] Nature
  • [ Gene machine takes the prize] MIT news office
  • [ Gene Machine: Cells Engineered To Prevent Sepsis Win Synthetic Biology Competition] Science Daily
  • [ EU-sponsored teams scoop top prizes at iGEM jamboree] EU comission directorate of science
  • [ Slovenian team won the Grand prize at the international Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) competition at MIT] Innovations report
  • [http:// Synthetic biology success] Varsity
  • [ The Gene Jamboree] BioHackery

iGEM 2006 Team News

  • [ "Tag! They're it!" Inside Brown].
  • [ Students Craft Arsenic Water Test]BBC News 11/20/06
  • [ Research Team Scores Big for Bio-Computer That Sorts “Burnt Pancakes”]Davidson College News 11/23/06
  • [ Students Shine at International Competition]Missouri Western Alumni Magazine 03/07
  • [ Simple Test Could Make World's Water Supplies Safer]University of Edinburgh News & Events 20/11/06
  • [ Imperial Students Engineer Success at International Competition]Imperial College News 11/8/06
  • [ Imperial pioneers new biological engineering parts] Imperial College News 08/11/06
  • [ Weaving Barrels from DNA] Technology Review 11/15/06
  • [ Princeton University Genetic engineering competition puts students at cusp of new science]News@Princeton 07/27/06
  • [ Princeton University Team Competing in iGEM]Princeton Packet 07/07/06
  • [ Science students heading to MIT]St. Joseph News-Press 07/05/06
  • [ Students plan to devote summer to MIT synthetic biology competition]Brown Daily Herald - 03/20/2006
  • [ Endy gives talk on DNA programming]MIT News Office - 03/08/2006
  • [ Penn State Newsbrief on the 2005 Jamboree] Penn State - 1/31/06
  • [ Cambridge University News] Cambridge - 1/25/06
  • [ The Right Exposure] UT Austin - 12/19/2005
  • [ Genetically engineered machines invade MIT] MIT - 12/17/05
  • [ Students race bacteria in MIT competition] - Penn State 12/08/05
  • [ Davidson Students “Ace” Presentation at MIT Synthetic Biology Competition] Davidson - 11/29/05
  • [ Scientists engineer bacteria to create living photographs] UCSF - 11/23/05
  • [ Teams lay BioBrick foundation for genetic engineering] MIT news office - 11/08/05
  • [ Undergraduates spend summer creating living machines] Harvard - 8/25/05
  • [ Students build bio-circuits] Daily Princeton - 2/3/2005

Other News

  • [ Biology as Cultural Artifact] Greenbiz
  • [ Davidson's Campbell Wins Award...]
  • [ Synthetic Biology: Life 2.0] the Economist 8/31/2006
  • [ Organism from Scratch] (in german) Neue Zürcher Zeitung, Switzerland - 08/24/06
  • [ MIT Scientists Ask Biologists to Imitate Engineers] ExtremeNano - 06/21/06
  • [,0,984573.story?page=1&coll=bal-ideas-headlines Playing God in the lab] Baltimore Sun - 06/18/06
  • [ Design for Life] BBC Focus - 6/06
  • [ Engineering Life: Building a Fab for Biology] Scientific American - 6/06
  • [ Design for Life] BBC Focus - 6/06
  • [ Engineering Life: Building a Fab for Biology] Scientific American - 6/06
  • [ Synthetic biologists try to calm fears] Nature Magazine - May 25, 2006
  • [ Synthetic Biology: Designs on Life] - Nature Magazine (synthetic biology dedicated issue) 11/24/05
  • [ iGEM 2005: Synthetic Biology’s Future] - Bio IT 11/8/2005
  • [ Synthetic Life Research Shows Progress—And Raises Questions] - American Association for the Advancement of Science - 11/5/2005
  • [ Starting from scratch] Nature - 11/6/04
  • [ Synthetic Biology:Microbes Made to Order] Science Magazine - 1/9/2004
  • [ Architect of Life] Forbes 10/2/06
  • [ Synthetic Biology: Life 2.0] the Economist 8/31/06
  • [ The Biggest DNA Ever Made]Businessweek 07/13/06
  • [ MIT Scientists Ask Biologists to Imitate Engineers] ExtremeNano - 06/21/06
  • [,0,984573.story?page=1&coll=bal-ideas-headlines Playing God in the lab] Baltimore Sun - 06/18/06
  • [ Newspaper investigation highlights bioterror fears]Nature 6/14/2006 doi:10.1038/
  • [ Blank Slate - Regenesis] Forbes 4/18/06
  • [ The March of the Bio-Machines Advances] London Press - 3/20/06
  • [ BiosysBio 2007 Conference] UK synthetic biology conference highlighting European iGEM projects - 3/01/06
  • [ 7 from Penn State enter the Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Competition] Sci/Tech newsfeed - 2/06/06
  • [ Live Photographs] Jumping Electrons - 12/12/06
  • [ The Sum of the Parts] Science News - 12/10/06
  • [ Controlling organisms with biological circuits opens up a world of possibilities and dangers]San Diego Union Tribune - 12/6/05
  • [ The Biological Camera] Seed Magazine - 11/29/05
  • [ Live From the Lab, a Culture Worth a Thousand Words] New York Times - 11/24/05
  • [ The List: R&D Projects that must get done] EE Times - 8/8/05
  • [ Life: Reinvented] Wired - 1/05
  • [ Gates foundation to promote synthetic biology] CNET news - 12/13/2004
  • [ Conference hones tools for synthetic bio revolution] EE Times 6/21/04
  • [ Conference kicks off synthetic bio revolution] EE TIMES - 6/15/04
    *[ Brainy Bacteria] Forbes - 09/10/01

Other iGEM-related documents

  • [ Synthetic bio whitepaper] Berkeley Synbio Policy Group, April 15, 2006
  • [ ONR 2005 Naval-Industry R&D Partnership Conference, 26-29 July 2005 (PDF document)] R. Rettberg powerpoint presentation
  • [ Synthetic Biology, Applying Engineering to Biology (PDF document)] EU NEST Report EUR21796