Team:Imperial College


Revision as of 15:33, 28 July 2008 by Saint (Talk | contribs)

Bad name, I know... But half the fun of iGEM is poor punning!

Welcome to the Imperial 2008 iGEM team's main project page. It's Thursday, December 19 and a great day to read about an awesome iGEM project!

For the 2008 iGEM competition, the Imperial College team is working on the foundations for a bioprinter. We are using the Gram-positive Bacillus subtilis bacterium as a chassis (for a variety of reasons) and hope to be able to exert fine control over its movement via a recently-discovered clutch mechanism. Using light as a stimulus to localise the bacteria, we then intend to trigger production and secretion of a biomaterial in a set pattern. The project was inspired by 3D printers used in fabrication of prototypes for manufacturing, and our "blue-sky" aim is to make a 3D bioprinter!
The Team Prudence is taking the picture... Click for larger image!
The Imperial College 2008 iGEM team is made up of 9 students (5 undergraduate bioengineers, 3 graduate biochemists and 1 graduate biologist), 5 advisors and two professors. You can find out more about the team members at the team page.

Test page and storage for random parts - Also see here for intro to editing the Imperial Wiki

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