Team:UC Berkeley/Team


Revision as of 01:06, 21 August 2008 by Marleejot (Talk | contribs)

Home The Team The Project Parts Submitted to the Registry Modeling Notebook

Who we are

Advisors: ChrisPic.pngJ. Christopher Anderson
Terry Johnson
MeganDueck.jpgMegan Dueck
Jin Huh
Dirk VandePol
MollyAllen.jpgMolly Allen
ChristieBrownOfficial.pngChristie Brown
CiciChenOfficial.pngCici Chen
ShereneCheungOfficial.pngSheren Cheung
AronLauOfficial.pngAron Lau
MarleeTichenorOfficial.pngMarlee Tichenor
MadhviVenkatest.jpgMadhvi Venkatesh
BingXiaOfficial.pngBing Xia
Administrative Support:

Kate Spohr
Susanna Spiro

What we did

(Provide proper attribution for all work)