Newcastle University Drylab/13 June 2008


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13 June 2008


Had to do some troubleshooting with the jsim program as it would not compile. Turned out a different version of Java was required and the import statements in a number of the class files were wrong and needed altering. There was also a major problem in one of the files with one of the getState() methods that had a problem due to different Java versions. This too needed to be fixed before the probelm would compile. Got the program to run.

Then found a newer version of Jsim - better GUI to work in and incorporated the Lac operon cellML model that I had produced. The language is slightly different in the cellML model to the jSim version and so several alterations neede to be made - I also had problems with the units that needed to be solved.

Plan for the weekend - Have a good go at a flyer and sort out some logo issues - start planning the incorpoation of the part models into the EA.#



Tried to run JAXB on the Linuxbox. Got it to kind of working, except for big long scrolling errors. I had to download the MathML and XLink schema onto this machine (page.... by... page....) and so it doesn't complain that it can't find that anymore. I modified the CellML schema to reflect the location of those schema(s?). It does complain now about some kind of ambiguity error though:

$ jaxb-ri/bin/ -p test.jaxb cellml_1_1.xsd -d test

parsing a schema... [ERROR] cos-nonambig: "":math and WC[##other:""] (or elements from their substitution group) violate "Unique Particle Attribution". During validation against this schema, ambiguity would be created for those two particles.

 line 100 of file:/home/mtaschuk/Desktop/Test/cellml_1_1.xsd

[ERROR] cos-nonambig: "":relationship_ref and "":relationship_ref (or elements from their substitution group) violate "Unique Particle Attribution". During validation against this schema, ambiguity would be created for those two particles.

 line 112 of file:/home/mtaschuk/Desktop/Test/cellml_1_1.xsd

[ERROR] cos-nonambig: "":component_ref and "":component_ref (or elements from their substitution group) violate "Unique Particle Attribution". During validation against this schema, ambiguity would be created for those two particles.

 line 145 of file:/home/mtaschuk/Desktop/Test/cellml_1_1.xsd

[ERROR] cos-nonambig: "":math and WC[##other:""] (or elements from their substitution group) violate "Unique Particle Attribution". During validation against this schema, ambiguity would be created for those two particles.

 line 278 of file:/home/mtaschuk/Desktop/Test/cellml_1_1.xsd

Failed to parse a schema.

I emailed Mike and James to see if it was something fixable or that they knew about. I found a forum where they discuss it (, and it sounds kind of scary. It might also have to go on the cellml mailing list. I hope it's fixable though. I've given up on that for now.

Lunch now!


Attended a safety and ethics discussion with Prof. Colin Harwood. He showed us how and which forms we will have to fill in.

Wrote architecture of interface for constraints repository.

- Get interactionsID for partID (partID): Set <interactionID>

- Get partners (interactionID): Set <partID>
- Get all interction typeIDs(): Set <interactionTypeID>
- Get interactionTypeID for interactionID (interactionID) <interactionTypeID>

- Get interactionIDs for interactionTypeID (interactionTypeID): Set <interactionID>
- Get model for interactionID (interactionID): <model>
- Get interactionTypeName for interactionTypeID (interactionTypeID): Set <interactionTypeName>