Waterloo/18 October 2008
From 2008.igem.org
08/10/18 Saturday
[] kit prep Plac-rfp'
- Inoculations seemed to have failed again
[x] digest (digest 16 ul of a ~600-800 bp part in pSB1A2 so we can subclone into this vector)
[x] gel
[x] GEx
[] run check gel
- Didn't have time for the check gel
[x] ligation of all above into BioBrick vector subcloning
- include ligation of GEx'd PCR products into pJET!
- hour ligation in 37 plus left overnight on bench
What we've been calling Plac-rfp' actually has the promoter for lacIQ (i.e., a strong constitutive promoter)!! Hence its KmR property... We have to make R0011.B0034.E1010 still (rfp' controlled by the hybrid lambda promoter (strong promoter) with the LacI binding site)