Team:Warsaw/Calendar-Main/29 September 2008


Revision as of 12:17, 24 October 2008 by MKrzyszton (Talk | contribs)

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Preparation of BioBricks

Michał K.

  1. Digest of Z-GeneArt and RFP(????)+deltaA plasmids with NdeI and BcuI (BamHI buffer).
  2. Digest of RFP(????)+deltaA plasmid with NdeI and SacI (BamHI buffer).
  3. Gel electrophoresis of digested plasmids and gel-out of proper bands (Z - 200 bp and both RFP (??????)'s - 2200 bp).
  4. Gel electrophoresis to estimate concentration of purified DNA from previous day.