

Revision as of 19:48, 24 October 2008 by Tischerd (Talk | contribs)

iGEM 2008



Project Details


Completed Systems



Biosafety Concerns

General Concerns

Subproject Concerns

Oxidative Burst

  • Short Term: There are no safety concerns beyond that of typical E. coli lab strains. Considering that 260 mM H2O2 is applied directly to the skin to disinfect cuts and scrapes, the 800 uM H2O2 produced by the engineered strain should not be a health concern to anyone working in the lab.
  • Long Term: Production of hydrogen peroxide is not a normal occurance in the large instestine, and its effects would need to be investigated before the engineered strain could be used to fight infection. Some concerns of hydrogen peroxide production in the intestine would be if it...
    • irritates the bowel.
    • kills off significant amounts of the native gut flora.
    • significantly damages gut epithelial cells.

Phage Pathogen Defense

Lactose Intolerance

Vitamin Production

Population Variation

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