Team:Warsaw/Calendar-Main/13 October 2008


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Preparation of BioBricks

Michał K.

  1. Digest of 3kb(????)+pLac_OmpA_omega with BcuI and SacI (SacI buffer), dephosphorylation with CIAP.
  2. PCR on pACYC177+OmpA_omega_deltaA_alpha plasmid using LinLSXNE and AlfaPSpe primers (annealing temperature 58 °C; elongation length 60s) to obtain link_alpha fragment.
  3. PCR on alpha PCR product from 10 September using AlphaL+SacI and LinP_BS2 primers (annealing temperature 58 °C; elongation length 60s) to obtain alpha fragment with proper restriction sites.