Team:Harvard/Dailybook/Week9/Chemical and Light


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105, mtrB Ligations/transformations 08/17

Parts to ligated came from 8/17

We used a 2:1 molar ratio of insert to vector for all of the ligations. The ligations were all transformed into TOP10 cells.

Plasmid Number of colonies

In retrospect, it appears that all the ligations with mtrB are wrong, since the digest was actually wrong.

105 Colony PCR 08/18

The annealing temperature was 55 °C and the elongation time was 2'45" (we used Platinum Taq supermix).

Expected band size is 2475bp.

Gel 1: 1-11

8-18 colpcr ta1.jpg

  • #2, 5 picked for 5mL culture

Lane 1: 1 kb ladder

Lanes 2-3: P105+P1'BB

Lanes 4-12: P105+P3'BB

Gel 2: 12-22

8-18 colpcr ta2.jpg

  • #12, 14 picked for 5mL culture

Lane 1: 1 kb ladder

Lanes 2-12: P105+P3'BB

RE digests 45, 63, 97 08/18

We used the Fermentas enzymes and digested for 25'.

8-18 gel 1 MXHTA.jpg

Lane 1: 1 kb ladder

Lane 2: P45 cut XP (876; 2079)

Lane 3: P63 cut EX (3284)

Lane 4: P97 cut SP (2091)

QPI+45 Ligations/transformations 08/18

We used the 45 just digested, so all DNA was cut with the Fermentas enzymes.

Plasmid Ratio (insert!vector) Strain Number of colonies
P117? vector control2!1 molar with EBDH5-alpha1
P117?+452!1 molarTOP102
P117?+452!1 molarDH5-alpha30
P116 vector control2!1 molar with EBDH5-alpha0
P116+452!1 molarTOP105
P116+452!1 molarDH5-alpha50
P108 vector control2!1 molar with EBDH5-alpha2
P108+452!1 molarDH5-alpha4
P108+452!1 molarTOP101
P108+457!1 volumetricDH5-alpha0

Colony PCR 08/19

The annealing temperature was 55°C and the elongation time was 2'30" for P108+45 and 2' for P116 and P117. We used the Platinum Taq SUPERmix.

Gel 1

8-19 PCR 1 MXHTA.jpg

Lane 1: 1 kb plus ladder

Lanes 2-5: P108+45 (~2200)

Lanes 6-12: P116+45 (~1800)

Gel 2

8-19 PCR 2 MXHTA.jpg

Lane 1: 1 kb plus ladder

Lanes 2-12: P116+45 (~1800)

Gel 3

8-19 PCR 3 MXHTA.jpg

Lane 1: 1 kb plus ladder

Lanes 2-3: P116+45 (~1800)

Lanes 4-12: P117+45 (~1800)

RE digests 101, 115, 118 08/19

8-19 gel 1 MXHTA.jpg

Lane 1: P101 cut ES (3221; 1090)

Lane 2: P101 cut XP (3221; 1090)

Lane 3: P118 cut XP (1555; 2750)

Lane 4: P115 cut ES (960; 2750)

Lane 5: 1 kb PLUS ladder

Ligations/transformations of P101+115/118 08/19

We used a 2:1 insert to vector ratio for all ligations. We tried using Amy™'s method of dephosphorylating (i.e. using the Roche kit).

Plasmid Strain Number of colonies
P101 vector control (P115)DH5-alphatoo many to count (same as P101+115 in DH5-alpha)
P101+115DH5-alphatoo many to count
P101+115TOP10too many to count (more than in P101+115 in DH5-alpha)
P101 vector control (P115)DH5-alphatoo many to count (less than P101+118 in DH5-alpha)
P101+115DH5-alphatoo many to count
P101+115TOP10too many to count (more than in P101+118 in DH5-alpha)

Colony PCR 08/20

We used an annealing temperature of 55 °C and elongation temperature 1'45" and 2'15", and Platinum Taq SUPERmix

8-20 Colony PCR 2 MXHTA .png

Lanes 1-2: P101 (115) vector control

Lanes 3-48: P101+115

Lanes 49-50: P101 (118) vector control

Lanes 51-96: P101+118

  • Samples 2, 4, 14, 25, 49, 61, 77 picked for 5mL culture and sequencing.
  • It's a bit alarming that the vector controls have ~1kb inserts. Uncut P101 should not transform, as the part contained is lethal (ccdB).

mtrB+RBS PCR 8/20

Rx mix (split into 12):

  • 120μL 5x HF buffer
  • 12μL 10mM dNTPs
  • 15μL each primer
  • 6μL resuspended wt S. oneidensis colony
  • 6μL Phusion polymerase
  • 426μL H2O

Rx conditions

  • Initial denaturation: 2:30s @ 98°C
  • Denaturations: 10s @ 98°C
  • Annealing: 30s @ 55-62°C gradient
  • Extension: 45s for first 10 cycles, 55s for next 30 cycles @ 72°C

All the tubes were mysteriously pink after thermocycling.

8-20 mtrB PCR MXHTA.jpg

Attempt 2


Rx mix (split into 12):

  • 120μL 5x HF buffer
  • 12μL 10mM dNTPs
  • 15μL each primer
  • swirl of wt S. oneidensis colony
  • 6μL Phusion polymerase
  • 432μL H2O

Rx conditions

  • Initial denaturation: 2:30s @ 98°C
  • Denaturations: 30s @ 98°C for first 10 cycles, 10s for next 35 cycles
  • Annealing: 30s @ 58-64°C gradient
  • Extension: 45s for first 10 cycles, 55s for next 35 cycles @ 72°C


Rx mix (split into 2):

  • 135μL Supermix
  • 3μL each primer
  • swirl of wt S. oneidensis colony
  • 9μL H2O

Rx conditions

  • Initial denaturation: 10m @ 95°C
  • Denaturations: 45s @ 95°C for first 10 cycles, 30s for next 30 cycles
  • Annealing: 30s @ 57°C
  • Extension: 2:30s @ 72°C

8-21 mtrBrbs.jpg

All conditions failed.

RE digests 08/20

8-20 gel 1 MXHTA.jpg

Lane 1: 1 kb plus ladder

Lane 2: P48 uncut (3477)

Lane 3: P48 cut X (3477)

Lane 4: P113 cut XP (534; 3339)

Lane 5: P117 cut SP (3687)

Lane 6: P116 cut SP (3687)

Lane 7: P38+51 (in p15A) B uncut (4155)

Lane 8: P38+51 (in p15A) B cut EP (1405)

Lane 9: P38+51 (in p15A) C uncut (4155)

Lane 10: P38+51 (in p15A) C cut EP (1405)

Lane 11: P38+51 (in p15A) D uncut (4155)

Lane 12: P38+51 (in p15A) D cut EP (1405)