Genetic Circuit


Part II Genetic Circuit

Under Matlab Simbiology Toolbox, we demonstrate all the reactions listed below.

SimBiology Reaction Array

  Index:    Reaction:
  1         DNA.lacO_hAID_lexA + Pro.LacI <-> DNA.[lacO:LacI]
  2         DNA.lacO_hAID_lexA -> mRNA.lacO_hAID_lexA + DNA.lacO_hAID_lexA
  3         mRNA.lacO_hAID_lexA -> null
  4         mRNA.lacO_hAID_lexA -> Pro.hAID_LexA
  5         Pro.hAID_LexA + DNA.DeGal4_lexO <-> DNA.[hAID_LexA:DeGal4_lexO]
  6         Pro.hAID_LexA -> null
  7         DNA.Gal4_LexO -> mRNA.Gal4_LexO + DNA.Gal4_LexO
  8         mRNA.Gal4_LexO -> Pro.Gal4
  9         Pro.Gal4 + DNA.UAS_his_lacZ_lacI -> DNA.[Gal4:UAS_his_lacZ_lacI]
  10        DNA.[Gal4:UAS_his_lacZ_lacI] -> mRNA.his_lacZ_LacI
  11        mRNA.his_lacZ_LacI -> Pro.LacI + Pro.His + Pro.LacZ
  12        mRNA.Gal4_LexO -> null
  13        mRNA.his_lacZ_LacI -> null
  14        Pro.LacI -> null
  15        Pro.Gal4 -> null
  16        DNA.[hAID_LexA:Gal4_lexO] -> Pro.hAID_LexA + DNA.Gal4_LexO
  17        DNA.[hAID_LexA:DeGal4_lexO] -> DNA.[hAID_LexA:Gal4_lexO]
  18        Pro.His -> null
  19        Pro.LacZ -> null

The diagram of the network is shown as well. Peking hAID final.jpg

To simplify the model, we combine the transcription and replication to one process of DNA expression. Also introduce the Hill-equation to demonstrate the function of repression and activation of the transcriptional factors. Other technical procedure introduced as well, we simplify the model further. The simplified model is as below. Peking hAID simplified.jpg
Peking legend.jpg
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