Wisconsin: Lignin Project/26 June 2008

From 2008.igem.org

Team Sorbitol:

Found that creating fresh proteinase K solution every time will work better.
Designed and set up a gradiant PCR (using Herculase).
Several successful bands for srlD were obtained.
The PCR product was purified and a second pcr reaction using the product was performed to maximize our gene sample.
Also designed sequencing primers to test for srlD in both pBAD30 and pBAD18.
Found there was once a commercial kit for quantifying sorbitol (Boehringer Manheim), however it was now not available in the market.

Team Fungus:
Performed ligation of insert and vector with ratios of 0:1, 1:0, 1:3, 3:1, and 1:1
Perform transformation of plasmid into E. coli (BL21) and plated to grow overnight