Illinois/1 July 2008


iGem Meeting Minutes 7/1/08

The meeting began at 3:40

3:40 Discussed the TAZ project

  • Adam, Bobak, and Aleem will work on it. They will start Monday.

3:50 Each team explained what they did all week

  • Bimolecular Fluorescence
    • Protocols are being developed
    • a gel will be run tomorrow
  • Receptor Tyrosine Kinase
    • Ordered materials, will begin labwork soon
  • GPCR
    • Looking for more papers and info to find a necessary plasmid

4:20 Discussed long term iGem goals

  • Aleem spoke with IBO, we need a few students willing to do this year-round

The meeting ended at 4:30


  • Receptor Tyrosine Kinase method:

Made Yeast Media

YPD Medium, per liter:

10g yeast extract

20g peptone

20g dextrose

20g agar(only for plates)

1. Dextrose filter sterilized, the rest autoclaved

2. Weigh nutrients into flask double the volume you want to make, and stir to dissolve

3. Dextrose added to autoclaved media to equivalent of 20 g/L

4. Liquid media placed on bench, plate media placed in 65 degree water bath approximately 5 minutes

5. Poured into plates and allowed to solidify