Guelph/21 July 2008


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Dear iGem Team,

Present: Lisa, Tin, Ed.

Regrets: Brendan, Dave

Team Synthetic Operon - Primers for synthetic operon have arrived; Brendan has done the first step of the cloning strategy. - The primers are for the amplification of the carotenoid genes. - Lisa's going to transform the promoter into the E. coli model. - We'll still be waiting for the other primers. - We'll repeat the amplification, insertion, digestion etc. to create our synthetic operon. - Team synthetic operon is capable at this point of completing the remainder of the project with only minor supervision from Dave.

RNAi - Tin has been growing corn and arabidopsis; growing is slow, Tin will be transplanting into larger pots soon - No further information

Gopher - We'll be touching up sponsors, and continuing our work with layout. - Everyone seems to like Brendan's logo.

Calgary Collaboration - The Calgary team is working on an ethics project and the present step is data collection by way of internet survey-- we encourage this team to participate and assist our fellow Canadians advance toward their review of synthetic biology ethical attitudes.

Please complete the following survey.

- Eddie McGopher Bürger