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  • When the phosphate level in blood exceeds 6.5 mg/dl, a patient kidney failure has a high risk of death.
  • A high serum concentration of phosphate (pi) is clearly related to pruritus (搔癢症) and hyperparathyroidism (甲狀旁腺功能亢進症), both manifestations of the uremic syndrome.
  • Phosphorus excess also inhibits 1 alpha-hydroxylase and hence the production of calcitriol, the active vitamin D metabolite.
  • Phosphorus retention also alters polyamine metabolism by causing decreases in intestinal function and proliferation of intestinal villi.


  • Enhance and regulate the phosphate absorption of E.coli to balance phosphate concentration to a normal level in patients with kidney failure.
  • This device operates when:
    • external pH is high.
    • external phosphate level is high.

Circuit Design

NYMU iGEM08 phosphate removal device v 1.0


  • over-expression of pst operon can enhance the total phosphate absorption by improving the cellular phosphate import
  • over-expression of ppK gene can enhance the total phosphate absorption by improving the cellular phosphate storage


Phosphate Metabolism and Regulation in E.coli

Phosphate removal by Microbe