Team:UC Berkeley/LysisDevice


Revision as of 05:53, 22 October 2008 by Sixpi (Talk | contribs)


The lysis device allows for the easy release of any product produced by a Clonebot device. By using an internal lysis system that can be activated by a variety of external conditions, we hope to allow for the complete automation of product purification.


One of our lysis devices is based on the lambda phage, and the other on the T4 phage. Lysis is caused by the combined action of a holin protein and lysozyme - the holin creates pores in the bacterial inner membrane, which allows the lysozyme to reach the periplasm and break down the peptidoglycans. In both systems, antiholin inhibits holin and prevents the creation of pores. In our lysis devices, a constituitive promoter drives the production of antiholin, while an inducible promoter drives the production of holin and lysozyme.

File:UCB lysisDevice.jpeg

