Team:BCCS-Bristol/Calendar-Notebook/16 July 2008


Revision as of 14:15, 24 July 2008 by Rodgerread (Talk | contribs)

Swarm motility comparison - None of the 0.5% agar showed growth, Overall MG1655 was possibly slightly larger than MC1000 but wasn't a great result. (in Cambridge 06' MC1000 had much greater motility than MG1655)

Observed the dye plates, they had dried out somewhat overnight, however the dyes has mixed well. carried out experiment again with whatman paper soaked in water in 15cm petri dishes to make a humid environment. this time also used swimming medium (see table below) instead of the 0.1% agar used before as this may be more like what we use in the final experiment.

As results on motility comparison weren't great decided to try again

In 100ml of water weight (g)
Potassium Phosphate0.1742
Tween -20 aka polysorbate 200.2 MICRO litres