Team:University of Ottawa/16 July 2008


Revision as of 18:28, 18 July 2008 by Morto077 (Talk | contribs)


Today on the Lab


Innoculation of transformed X10 E.coli + pDR197::AtCKX2 in LB + AMP.
  • For each dilution (PURE, 1:10, 1:100), 2 colonies were chosen to innoculate in 3 ml LM + AMP.
  • Control is LB + AMP only.
  • Finished Innoculation at 3:oo pm
  • Chris

    Gel Extraction of AtCRE
  • prepared a 0.8% gel and ran the AtCRE sample for 40 minutes at 90 V
  • expected bands appeared and the desired one was excised
  • gel extraction was performed on the excised sample successfully
  • Determining AtCRE Concentration
  • measured the absorbancy of AtCRE, resulting in invalid data. It was determined that the blank was performed incorrectly, such that the machine was not zeroed properly.
  • the absorbancy of AtCRE was remeasured using a new blank at a 1:10 dilution. The resulting absorbancy was 0.3113 at 260 nm, giving a concentration of about 150 ng/ul.
  • Ligation of AtCRE
  • AtCRE was ligated with 1 ul ligase, 1 ul ATP, 2 ul DNA template, 1 uL buffer and 5 ul water
  • the sample was incubated at 16 C overnight
  • Matt

    Glycerol Stock
  • The BY4742 cells int 597/598 were inoculated once again for glycerol stock tomorrow - this time I sealed the tubes with the parafin.
  • Digestion
  • Digestion confirmation of PTP2 with NcoI after Gel extraction was successful with correct band sizes confirming that I have the PTP2 product.
  • A PCR cleanup was performed on the digestion product of PTP2 digested with BamHI + xhoI, concentrations were low but not low enough that a ligation cannot be performed.
  • I still have some pSSA42 digestion product from last time the digestion was performed that I can use for this.
  • Ligation
  • A ligation was then performed using PTP2 insert in pSSA42 vector using 3:1 mol ratio - I decided to use a little more insert than suggested to ensure success of the reaction.
  • Dan was thinking it would probably be easier if the ligation was spiked tomorrow morning with more ATP.