Team:Alberta NINT/Notebook/catchall


Revision as of 21:42, 19 June 2008 by Jrodway (Talk | contribs)
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Home The Team The Project Lab Protocols Bits and Pieces Modeling Notebook


General Announcements

Weekly meetings Mondays 5:30 pm sharp in CSC 2-49 from now until ... forever.


Computer Nonsense

"Found" a copy of visual studio to try compiling the source code with. Gives stranger errors than previous compilers have. Emailed Dave Matthews to ask about it as per the note in this weeks meeting minutes.

Crazy Dave got back to me this evening. Apparently he has been traveling, but says I can send him some compiler outputs and he'll give it a look see when he gets back.

Upon reading through the email again, I found what I needed to make it work. The difficulties I've had compiling it seem to be mainly due to the fact I've never used Visual Studio before, and with this program, it seems like using another C++ compiler causes grief. I did try one thing already this evening, but it didn't work as expected. There are other things to be tried however.

Wiki things

Updated the lab protocols page... that was a lot of work.

Pdf'd the meeting minutes and added them to the wiki. I thought there were more meetings than that, so if anyone sees that they're missing, feel free to add it or point it out. -James

Science/Lab stuff