Team:Warsaw/Calendar-Main/16 July 2008


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Cloning omega-A fusion on pKS (second attempt)

Michał L., Ewa, Marcin

We have massive outbreak of some virulent bacteriophage strain in our lab. All our current E. coli cultures are gone :-(. Until we get rid of the phage there will be no microbiological work in our lab. Sorry.

Cloning of protein Z DNA to OmpA constructs

Michał K.

  1. Isolation of plasmids from cultures inocluated on previous day (pACYC177+OmpA_Z_omega).
  2. Control digest of isolated plasmids with BamHI and SacI (BamHI buffer).
  3. Gel electrophoresis - both checked colones are good (Fig. 1.).

Fig. 1. Control SacI/BamHI digests of isolated plasmids
1. Marker
2-3. digested plasmids pACYC177+OmpA_Z_omega