User:Raquel Gomes



This is my first time at iGEM! Until now I loved every part of being in the UCSF iGEM team. Our students were a great combination of fun and hard work. And I loved getting to know each one of them! I am looking forward for us to be all together again at the Jamboree! We will of course miss Lingli!

I did my PhD in Neurobiology and am now interested in pursuing science education - trying to spread the Love for science!

My biggest passion is traveling and I never feel that I do enough of it - some of the places I dream of going to are Madagascar and Papua New Guinea but will probably go to South America first to visit my sister that will be moving over there soon. In the meanwhile to make time go faster between travels I dance to 80's music and give private concerts (only to friends). I will leave you with a clip from one of my latest concerts...