Illinois/15 July 2008


iGem Meeting Minutes 7/15/08

The meeting began at 3:35

Team Updates: Bimolecular Fluorescence

  • The DNA they received isn't purified and they are working on trying to fix it. They are also going to try to contact a Purdue research group in order to obtain a plasmid from them. Dr. Golding gave them a few ideas.


  • The have a plan on how to make their biosensor work. Everything other than the directed evolution seems possible by November. They are having a meeting with Dr. Zhao on Thursday to discuss their plan with him.

Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Fusion

  • They presented their plan. It seems possible assuming the PCR reactions work properly. They received their antibody gene and will begin designing primers soon. Matt will pick up E.coli from Dr. Golding's lab.

4:10 Aleem talked about the meetings he had with Roger and Dr. Lewin 4:30 We talked about electing officers 4:50 We talked about how involved we want to get with IBO

The meeting ended at 5:10.