Team:The University of Alberta/11 June 2008



  • The Ni-NTA columns have finally arrived!
  • Got the results back from Winnie's sequencing of the BlueOx BioBrick; they didn't look good. She is going to redo the sequencing (colony PCR from BlueOx in I0500 -> Run on gel -> excise PCR product band and extract -> sequencing).

To Do

  • Dishwashing! We are running out of test tubes etc.
  • Lots of cultures to set up! We need one of each of the transformants of BlueOx, Tryp and Purple Russian, as well as one for each of the butanol biobricks for protein expression and purification with the Ni-NTA columns
  • Western Blots - we need to do the antibody detection.


David might be coming at around 11ish to talk with the full-timers