Change of the reporter from pZC320 with B-galactosidase to GFP or RFP
Piotr, Weronika
- Isolation of plasmids from transformants.
- Control digest of plasmids with NotI.
- Gel electrophoresis of digested DNA - there where no proper plasmids.
- Isolation of pZC320.
- Isolation of pSB1A2 standard plasmids carrying parts: BBa_E0840(GFP genetrator) and BBa_J04450 (RFP generator).
- Overnight digest of pSB1A2 standard plasmids carrying parts: BBa_E0840(GFP genetrator) and BBa_J04450 (RFP generator) with NotI.
Overnight digest of pZC320 with NotI and dephosphorylation with CIAP.
Cloning alpha-A and omega-A fusions on pKS
Michał L., Ewa, Marcin
- Isolation of plasmids from transformants.
- Control digest of plasmids with SacI+NotI (BamHI buffer).
- Gel electrophoresis of digested DNA.
We have successfully cloned A-alpha and A-omega fusions on pKS vector. The DNA will be now sequenced to ensure that our constructs are correct.
Preparation of constructs on pET15b: OmpA_alpha and OmpA_omegaPaweł
- Isolation of pET15b plasmid.
- Overnight digest of pET15b plasmid with NdeI and BamHI (Tango 2x buffer), dephosphorylation with CIAP.