User:University of Washington/10 September 2008


Glycerol Stocks of TrbA, KorA, TrbC

LuxR from AraC and TetR(Faifan)

-made 4 electro-competent MG1655Z1 from overnight x4

-re-ligated pSB3K3 + promo + LuxR

  • mix 8.58ul LuxR + 2ul T4Buffer + 5ul pSB3K3 + 3.42ul promo + 1ul T4 Ligase

-transformed + inoculated onto Kan plates

  • 5ul old LuxR construction ligation
  • 5ul new LuxR construction ligation
  • 5ul miniprep of LuxR colony2.7 (contains matching P1010)
  • control: no plasmid, grew on Tsy plate

-found out that boiling to lyse cells yesterday was ran only for 16 s instead of 16 mins. Chances were cells weren't lysed still. Ran gel anyway on 7 of them. 1,2,3,26,28 contained nothing. 4,27 had bands around 1kb(P1010).

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