User:University of Washington/18 July 2008


Lambda Red Recombineering of RP4 (Bryan)

Continued troubleshooting of PCR. Since all previous attempts to PCR have failed, attempted a control reaction using standard BioBrick primers on a part which has been both transformed and sequenced by our team.

Made glycerol stock of BW25141/pKD78. Mini-prepped pKD78 x2. Only the second mini-prep electrophoresed as expected (~6 kb), first mini-prep may be compromised. Now have Lambda Red recombinatory expression vector--some positive news.

AHL synthesis in yeast (Bryan)

Attempted to rescue part C0061 from both 2007 & 2008 distribution by PCR amplification using standard BioBrick primers.

Klavins lab had success transforming part C0161. Obtained an ON broth culture.

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