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[[Image:New_Mem_CD.png|600px|center|New Memory]]
[[Image:New_Mem_CD.png|600px|center|New Memory]]
There is a clear change. The cIIP22 amount drops and the cI434 increases. The high cI434 amount will repress the RNA production. These RNA amount are small and can’t be see on the graph. It might be necessary to increase the RNA production.
There is a clear change. The cIIP22 amount drops and the cI434 increases. The high cI434 amount will repress the RNA production. These RNA amount are small and can’t be see on the graph. It might be necessary to increase the RNA production.
=== Matlab ([ SBML file])===
[[Image:Memory_Matlab.jpg|600px|center|New Memory]]

Revision as of 13:33, 30 July 2008


To have a dropdown for your own team copy over all of the content below. It might be needed to adjust a thing or two. Comments have been added throughout the code what must be changed.

Inspirational websites:

  • [ Most basic dropdown menu, with no submenu's]
  • [ The javascript library used to add effects and optimise the dropdown]
  • [ How to center a ul list effectively]

The dropdown has been created and developed by the KULeuven team.


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	filter:alpha(opacity=90);		/* transparancy of the dropdown menus (IE) */
#ddnav div a {
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<!-- If you wish to omit the docking feature omit following line (div with id ddtoggle) -->
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Pictogram memory.png



Position in the system

Describing the system

Memory BioBrick.jpg

This system must activate the cell death system after one light pulse. As long as there is no light, there is no P2ogr, no CIIP22 and a lot of antimRNA_LuxI. The antimRNA_LuxI blocks the cell death system. When light is turned on OmpF increases. This causes P2ogr and CIIP22 to increase and antimRNA_LuxI to decrease. This activates the system. When light is turned off, the P2ogr concentration is large enough to maintain itself. This way antimRNA doesn't increase. The system stays activated.



Parameter values (Memory)
Name Value Comments Reference
Degradation Rates
dP2ogr 0.002265 s-1
dRNA_P2ogr 0.002265 s-1 [ link]
dP22CII 0.002311 s-1 [ link]
dRNA_P22CII 0,0022651 s-1 [ link]
dantimRNA_luxI 0.0045303 s-1 [ link]
Transcription Rates
kP2ogr 0.0125 s-1 estimate
kP22CII 0.0125 s-1 estimate
kAntimRNA_LuxI 0.0094 s-1 estimate
Dissociation Constants
KP2ogr 4.2156 Used in two reactions for activator control at the transcription of P2ogr mRNA and CIIP22 mRNA [ link]
KR0053_P22CII 0.1099 [ link]
Hill Cooperativity
n 2 Used for all reactions throughout the memory submodel using Hill kinetics


CellDesigner (SBML file)

Figure: CellDesigner system representation



The OmpF promoter is not ideal. When there is no light the transcription rate is still 0.00005. This means that P2ogr will slowly build up, activating the system. In this case the memory is in 0-state when the stationary state isn't reached yet. The 1-state is the stationary state. So the system automatically ends up in state 1 after some time (300s). This can be seen in the figure below.

Figure: Celldesigner simulation of the memory system. CIIP22(purple), P2ogr(green), AntimRNA(pink).

The system can only stay in 0-state for 300 sec. This makes it completely useless.


In the previous system the 0-state isn't actively maintained. It's just 'not stationary state'. So we need to search mathematical system that has 2 stationary states. A possible solution is given below.

Describing the system

Figure: Part representation of alternative system

When this system starts Rep build up because Rep represses the Act promoter better then Act represses the Rep promoter. The Rep concentration stays high and the Act stays low. This is the 0-state. When there is light, the OmpF promoter is activated and the Act concentration is increased. This represses Rep promoter. The Rep concentration decreases and the Act promoter is activated. The Act concentration keeps increasing. When the light pulse ends the Act concentration is high enough to repress the Rep promoter, Act concentration stays high and Rep concentration stays low. This is the 1-state.

Using typical values this system can be tested in CellDesigner.

Figure: Celldesigner system representation


These typical parameters are:

Parameter values (alternative Memory)
Name Value
Degradation Rates
dact 0.0011552 s-1
dRNA_act 0.0023105 s-1
drep 0.0011552 s-1
dRNA_rep 0.0023105 s-1
Transcription Rates
kact 0.006 s-1
krep 0.0125 s-1
Translation rate
kact 0,166666
krep 0,166666
Dissociation Constants
Kact-rep 4.2156
Krep-act 4.2156
Hill Cooperativity
n 2


CellDesigner gives the following simulation when OmpF transcription rate changes from 0.0001 to 0.01 at t=6000 sec for 2000 sec.

Figure: Celldesigner simulation of the alterative system. Act(grey), Rep(yellow)

The OmpF peak causes the Act concentration to rise and the Rep to decrease. The high Act concentration keeps the Rep concentration low. This causes the Act concentration to stay high.

New model

Describing the system

New Mem symbols.PNG

This is the same system as the alternative. The role of act is taken up by cI434 and rep by cIIP22.The output of this system is given in by RNA production that repressed the LuxI production.

CellDesigner (SBML file)

New Memory



Parameter values (New Memory)
Name Value Comments Reference
Degradation Rates
dcIIP22 0.002311 s-1 [ link]
dmRNA_cIIP22 0.00462 s-1 [ link]
dcI434 2.8822E-4 s-1 this part has a LVA-tag, so we estimate a 40 min half-life
dmRNA_cI434 0.00462 s-1 [ link]
dantimRNA_luxI 0.00462 s-1 [ link]
cII434 regulated promotor
ktranscr 0.125 s-1 estimate
Km 0.8708 [ link]
cIIP22 regulated promotor
ktranscr 0.125 s-1 estimate
Km 0.1099 [ link]
translation rates
ktransl_cI434 0.038888 s-1 eff. 0.07
ktransl_cIIP22 0,555555 s-1 eff. 1
Hill Cooperativity
n 2 Used for all reactions throughout the memory submodel using Hill kinetics


CellDesigner gives the following simulation when OmpF transcription rate changes from 0.0001 to 0.0125 at t=20000 sec for 1000 sec (17min).

New Memory

There is a clear change. The cIIP22 amount drops and the cI434 increases. The high cI434 amount will repress the RNA production. These RNA amount are small and can’t be see on the graph. It might be necessary to increase the RNA production.

Matlab (SBML file)

New Memory